Sexual Expression in Continuing Care
Resources for Residents
and Family Members
Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and Sexuality
Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and Sexuality Changes in Sexuality and Intimacy. Alzheimer’s Association. (February 2023).
This two-page resource provides insight into changes in sexual desire and sexual behaviour that may accompany progression in Alzheimer’s disease.
Intimacy and Sexuality. Alzheimer’s Society Canada. (October 2018).
This resource provides helpful advice and tips for people with Dementia, partners of people with Dementia, and health professionals.
Sexuality and people in residential agedcare facilities: A Guide for Partners and Families. Australian Centre for Evidence Based Aged Care.
This booklet discusses the importance of sexuality, sexuality and living in a care facility, sexuality and dementia, how changes might affect family members, and tips for communication with staff.
Sex and Intimate Relationships. Alzheimer’s Society. (July 2015).
This site provides information on adapting to changes with dementia, practicalities of sex in care homes, consent, what to do in cases of suspected abuse, forming new relationships, maintaining healthy relationships, and sexual health.
National Institute on Aging. (2017). Intimacy and Sexuality: Resources for Dementia Caregivers.
This site from the United Kingdom provides a list of resources for family caregivers of people with dementia. The resources include: Changes in Intimacy and Sexuality in Alzheimer’s Disease (2017), Changes in Sexuality and Intimacy (2016), Dementia: Emotional Changes (2014), LGBT Caregiving: Frequently Asked Questions (2015), Sex and Intimate Relationships (2015), Sexuality and Dementia (2014), and Sexuality in Later Life (2013).
Alzheimer’s Society of Canada. Conversations about Dementia, Intimacy, and Sexuality.
This information sheet provides information on how to address the intimacy and sexual needs of people with dementia and their partners as dementia progresses.
Sexuality and people in residential aged care facilities: A guide for partners and families. (2016). La Trobe University, as represented by the Dementia Collaborative Research Centre. Australia.
Other health conditions
Sex and sexuality after brain injury. Headway:
The Brain Injury Association (2017).
This booklet was written for brain injury survivors who have issues with sex after brain injury, and their sexual partners. It describes how sex can be affected following brain injury, offers tips for managing sexual issues, and gives information about where to seek professional support.
Intimacy and sexuality in MS. National MS Society.
This booklet discusses some of the ways in which multiple sclerosis can affect intimacy between partners and provides tips for how to work around them.
Resources for Managers and Advisors
We understand that managers have distinct networks and varied access to provincial level
organizational resources. Some of the following resources are immediately available to support
managers and advisors.
The last taboo: A guide to dementia, sexuality, intimacy and sexual behaviour in care homes. (2011). The International Longevity Centre – United Kingdom.
Intimacy, sexuality and sexual behavior in dementia: How to develop practice guidelines and policy for long-term care facilities. (2002). Shalom Village, Hamilton, Ontario.